Student Leaders Tea Gathering 學生領袖茶聚

"一年一度的學生領袖茶聚於4月30日舉行,校長、副校長及老師與39位學生領袖一邊吃小食、一邊交流,讓我們直接了解學生擔任領袖的甜酸苦辣,也可就著校園環境和政策等話題輕鬆地交換意見,促進溝通,彼此都獲益良多。 The annual Student Leaders Tea Gathering was held on 30th April. The Principal, Vice-Principals and senior teachers chatted with 39 student leaders while having light refreshments. It was a precious opportunties for us to learn about students' first-hand experience and feelings on bein leaders, and to exchange ideas on school policies and various issues. It was an enjoyable and treasured moment. "
